Saturday Morning Coffee

I have to say that this is the strangest time in history. I have found that I have worked harder than I ever have, sewed more than I thought possible and talked to more people in a week that I would in a month or more.

It has this introverted totally drained. I am going to take this weekend to recharge. Sew fun things not masks, I have done 30 or more in the past 2 weeks. I am not going to have too many conversations. The ones I have had this week have been intense and well just way too long. Hours and hours a day long for work and others. Work has bled over into my off time. Not this weekend. Other conversations have turned into coversations that are like work. I need to find some joy and peace outside of any conversations that revolve around Covid19, social distancing and politics. Funny how the two have become one and the same for some people.

Today, I am going to make some pretty things, plan my fairy gardens and if it stops raining work on mine. I want to escape the pressure and problems of our current world because it has been oppressive. I am going to cut back on screen time and refocus on my mundane yet beautiful life.



  1. Hi Vicki, it is so important to relax and recharge with your creativity, For me I put on a floss tube or The Quilt Show and do some easy piecing, To take a breakI make some string blocks like Bonnie Hunter using phone book papers as the foundation. Or I take 2.5 or 3 inch squares, alternating light and dark, and sew them into 16 patches. Later I can add star points or just sew them together. I am trying to use up my mountain of scraps and lose myself in the pretty colors and fabrics. Days that I can talk a walk do so much for my mental health. Sometimes I try to walk a few minutes even if it’s chilly or rainy just to get some air. Stay well Vicki and do something you enjoy. ❤️


    • Sharon, I have been sewing my Dear Jane project, did binding and looking at my quilt tops to longarm. I slept well and I have resisted the urge to look at my work computer. I have been walking and today I hope the frost leaves the fairy gardens so I can connect with my inner child. It’s amazing how fast one can get overwhelmed and burned out in a crisis. Self care is my word for the year , what a coincidence! Thanks for reading and reminding me to take care!


  2. Yes. Taking a break from the news. Going to work in the landscaping and plant petunias in front steps planter.
    Hope to see my son and his new wife in another county here. I can sit on the bottom steps and they can stay on their porch. Pizza and drinks in the middle.


  3. I am with you on that! I am doing my best to walk for an hour everyday…I thankfully live out in the country. I am piecing pretty things at an advanced level to challenge my brain and to force myself to concentrate on something other than what’s going on in the world. My customer quilts are getting completed and caught up as well. We still have snow but spring is coming and we also discussed the garden this morning. Stay well!


    • I am making a dear Jane and it is challenging all my skills ! I love it because it keeps me focused on real life. I have a couple of customer jobs to do I’m addition to my day job and I do not lack of things to do while I am at home and working from home! Be well !


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