Saturday Morning Coffee

Photo by Radu Nebunu on

Another Saturday, another winter storm predicted. About 10 inches of snow are predicted for today. I am thinking that this is the last one. Let’s hope it is the last because we have had snow in April and May before. The good news is it is getting warmer, and the snow is melting leaving much of the ground exposed. There may be greener days ahead very soon.

So disappointed that I went to bed on time Thursday night. Fantastic Northern Lights happened as I slept. It is not a typical thing to see them like this, but I will see them just on a smaller scale in the future. I went out last night but the clouds for the snow storm had started to roll in.

I have lots to sew this weekend. I really want to start playing with scraps to get more practice in choosing fabrics so I think I will look at making one of Lori Holt’s scrap quilts. I may start it today.

I have the sewing bug right now for making blocks vs making quilts and I think I am going to indulge in that. I may do nothing but make blocks in 2023 but that’s ok because maybe I will do nothing but make quilts in 2024. I can tell you that I have been doing loads more long arming and that is the other quilt related area I have been spending time in this year.

All that to awkwardly say is sometimes you go where your creative energy takes you. I used to think that I should only work on one quilt or project at a time. I used to think you had to start it and work on it solely until you have completed it. I have learned that is not necessarily true for me anymore. It’s ok to make blocks and do that until the urge to make them is done. Then you can put them all together and have the tops done. Same with quilting them and each step forward until they are finished. It isn’t fun anymore if I keep pushing to work on one quilt when I really want a break from it. Like the granny square quilt from last summer, I have 2 blocks left and then it can be put together what is so hard? I just am not in the mood for it at the moment. Maybe later today but not right now.

I am keeping all the fabric, squares and patterns together for each project to pick it up again later. I will get back to them and finish. I am thinking that I won’t ever have more than a few UFO’s at a time but we will see. It is a different world and mindset since I have had Covid. I have shorter attention span for each project and I am learning to live with it. Maybe I will need to have someone make me a spread sheet to keep track of it all, but I do like Kimberly Jolly’s way of keeping track of her projects using journals for lists of them and deadlines. I have a project journal started for the temperature cross stitch project maybe it could servce this function also.

My creative brain is still healing with Long Covid. I am not pushing myself too hard about what I am doing for creative 15 min a day. It hasn’t even been a year yet so I can’t create like I did before getting sick. I am just going with the creative flow and may even get something else out like needle felting. I am not setting many rules for myself these day for making things.

Plus for inspiration I hear Monty Don’s Gardener’s World’s new season has begun

Hope you have time to spend on your creative projects today!!


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  1. The crazy weather is everywhere! We are drying out before the next round so I am happy for some sun today. I think our quilting/crafting hobby should be fun so I think we have every right to call the shots on what we feel like doing! And you are right, we have been at it long enough to recognize the cycles and relax about it. I’m putting the binding on a flannel quilt while I can still use it and some counted cross-stitch between laundry is my only goal for this afternoon. I’m so happy to have handwork on days when starting a project seems too overwhelming. Enjoy your day!


    • I agree about having some hand work to do in between things because I have been picking up and putting some cross stitch down inbetween things today myself! Feel good about having a chill day and doing a few things in between shows , chores and exercises. I know that summer will be here soon and I need to not rush it !


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