Machine Quilting Blog Hop Week 9 and a Giveaway!!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Can you believe that next week will be the last week of the blog hop? I cannot and to celebrate we are having a giveaway!This giveaway is generously sponsored by Martingale Publishing. The winner will receive one copy of The Ultimate Guide to Machine Quilting by Angela Walters and Christa Watson. If the winner resides in the United States or Canada, they will have their choice of a physical or digital copy of the book. If they reside outside the US and Canada, the winner will receive a digital copy. You can enter anytime between June 26, 2017-July 7, 2017. Use Raffelcopter link above the enter ! Be sure to go to the other bloggers sites listed below for additional chances to win!

This week is the chapter called  Migration in the book “The Ultimate Guide to Machine Quilting” by Angela Walters and Christa Watson. HollyAnne, Kristin and Jen are joining me in this journey. The four of us are blogging our way through the book and each week that goes by we are practicing more and gaining confidence with each exercise. I am a long armer and the other ladies are using their domestic sewing machines. The patterns for the quilts in the book are amazing but we are focusing on the free motion quilting for the blog hop. Links to the previous weeks are on the side bar tab for the Machine Quilting Blog hop. Join the party at Instagram using hashtag #machinequiltingbloghop


I really liked the ideas of making rectangular squares look like faceted gems. Angela made high contrasting quilting by facets in the light squares and dense quilting in the dark squares of the sample quilt. She made some of my favorite shapes curls and a feather . I have made 2 quilts using these ideas and I will show you in the next series of photos.

Here is a quilt where I did the facet look in each corner of a block to highlight the center batik . I did a ton of outlining too using  a ruler. Click on each picture to enlarge for detail.


2017-04-29 10.02.28

2017-04-27 08.03.45

2017-05-06 11.55.14

Here is a quilt with an elongated curl with feather shapes on them. One of my favorite shapes to do . I added a bit of pebbling to the mix:



Click on the photos for details.

The takeaways from this week are:

  1. Emphasize an area by a bit of less quilting and the dense quilting can be a background fill de-emphazing that area
  2. Stitching in the ditch can help emphasize an area as well as anchor it before you quilt a zone … divide and conquer
  3.  negative space can be broken up in different stitched using a straight line, a curvy line or a bracket shaped line.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway! Link at the beginning of the post

I hope you have had as much fun following along as I have had doing this post. Next week is a celebration and a chance to apply all we have learned !!!

Quilt on,



  1. I would love to win this book. It has been encouraging to me watching you and the others go through this book.


  2. I wish that I didn’t have trouble with my hands and a tremor that pops up regularly. It would make it so much easier to do these things.


  3. I hope to be able to FMQ with confidence, I keep putting off quilting the quilt because I am afraid I will mess it up, so I think about it for a while, and the “while” turns into weeks, months, and so on.


  4. Who doesn’t love Christa Watson and Angela Walters? This book would definitely be a go-to on my sewing shelf.


  5. I hope to learn how to take a leap to incorporate new designs more often as I learn more about fmq. The pictures and quilt samples are inspiring.


  6. I love the creativity of both of these ladies and your interpretations of their ideas is great! I’d love to win this book!


  7. I enjoy learning any tips and tricks for FMQ. All of the details can get cluttered in my mind and then I freeze just as I am ready to stitch! I often have issues with skipped stitches and tension, so I hope the book would help me with this.


  8. I hope to start with a simpler technique and practice and then try something harder and practice to increase my skills. A wise friend says practice makes progress – so true!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I would absolutely love to win this book. I so admire the ladies who poured so much of themselves putting it together.


  10. My goal for this hop is to finally kick myself in the tush to try new quilting techniques. Thanks for the inspiration!


  11. I’d really like the opportunity to dig into my own book to be inspired by it and you all to be brave and stitch away! I don’t often force myself to practice because it feels like time away from finishing a project, however it should be investing in myself and future projects!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I am quite new to machine quilting but anxious to practice and try out these lovely designs.
    Your book will be a great learning resource to visit again and again.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Everything old is new again! I really like stitch in the ditch and straight line. Don’t get me wrong, I love feathers and loops and curls, but not all quilts call for that style quilting. Going back to some very wise words, “There is no right or wrong… each quilt is a work of art expressed by its creator.” Good job!


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